Heroes of Goo Jit Zu Goo Shifters Primal Hero – Rock Jaw Primal


Order Heroes of Goo Jit Zu Goo Shifters Primal Hero – Rock Jaw Primal from Maqio ltd.

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Rock Jaw was formerly a monstrous crocodile before he was elevated to the status of a Hero of Gu Jit Zu. You may now interact with Rock Jaw when he is in his Primal Form! Even though it hasn’t changed in any way, Primal Form Rock Jaw now has the ability to shift between several types of goo! An all-new feature that gives children the opportunity to engage with their very own Goo Jit Zu Hero and unleash their latent potential. The Goo Shifters include a brand-new function called “Goo-formation” that enables children to engage with their own Goo Jit Zu Hero figures and unleash the unique shifting ability that each figure has! Inside the Primal Form Rock Jaw is a Core, which is a capsule, and when it is broken, it emits a colour that, when it runs through Rock Jaw’s body, “Powers him up”! The children will be astonished as they witness the goo within his body shift and alter his look. Rock Jaw is capable of stretching to be three times his normal size because to the robust and elastic materials he was created with. Wow, that’s one hefty crocodile you’ve got there! After that, he reverts back to his crocodile form!With Goo Jit Zuu, you can’t go wrong. Take a look at the rest of the range here at Maqio.

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